To strengthen your skill claims, ask for endorsements from people who have seen your abilities in action, whether in training, projects, or work. Endorsers confirm they’ve observed your skill and must provide their name, position, and organization. They can also choose to add a testimonial when endorsing you. To request one, just edit the email template provided with your endorsement request.
Endorsements can come from those who know your skills well, such as:
- Teachers
- Classmates
- Group or project team members
- Club/group members
- Counselors
- Career Advisors
- Mentors
- Coaches
- Co-workers
- Managers/Supervisors
AVOID Seeking endorsements from...
- Family
- Friends
- Significant others (e.g. boyfriend, girlfriend)
- People you have a bad relationship with
- People who don't know you well or haven't observed your skills in action
How to seek endorsements for your Skill Badges
1. Sign in to CareerPrepped
2. Click "Claimed Skills"
3. Click "Actions" button for the Skill Badge you would like to get endorsed
4. Click "Seek Endorsements"
5. Enter the email address of the person you'd like to seek an endorsement from and edit the email if you'd like (We provide a pre-written template that can be modified before sending).
6. Click "Send"
How to seek endorsements for your "Other Skills"
1. Sign in to CareerPrepped
2. Click "Claimed Skills"
3. Click the "Other Skills" tab
4. Click "Actions" button for the Skill Badge you would like to get endorsed
5. Click "Seek Endorsements"
6. Enter the email address of the person you'd like to seek an endorsement from
7. Click "Send"