While quizzes are good tools to test your momentary knowledge, we believe in continuous authentic assessment of claimed abilities that mimic the real world. That’s why we empower you to claim skills,  and justify your claims by articulating your skills, proving them with portfolio files, collecting endorsements and testimonials from people who’ve observed you using your skills, and getting feedback. Feedback helps you understand which of your claimed skills are viewed as well proven and which aren't. These authentic ways of substantiating your claimed skills can be continuously collected/updated throughout your life and career as you gain new experiences.

In the real world, there are no multiple-choice quizzes. You need to apply your skills and produce results, not just take tests and get “correct” answers to questions. In the real world, an employer will never ask for your quiz scores to prove your claimed skills. Rather, employers will expect you to be able to identify, define, articulate and justify your claimed skills with specific examples from your past. They’ll expect you to be able to show them your skills through your portfolio or live demonstration, and they’ll want to see if anyone else is willing to vouch for your claimed abilities.

For these reasons, we don’t have quizzes for our Skill Builders. Instead we encourage you to go practice the skill in the real world, show you can justify your claimed skills by citing specific examples of skill demonstration, collect and showcase portfolio evidence, and seek and collect endorsements. These are all authentic ways you can prove and signal your skills which are valued in the real world.