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Skill Builders
Skill Builders
What is a Skill Builder?
Which Skill Builder am I supposed to join first?
Why don't Skill Builders have any completion requirements?
How long does it take to go through the Reflect & Practice section of a Skill Builder?
Why isn’t there a quiz at the end of every Skill Builder?
Why doesn’t CareerPrepped create lecture-style videos?
When should I claim a Skill Badge?
5 general guidelines for when to claim a Skill Badge.
Will a Skill Builder help me master the skill it addresses?
How were the Skill Builder topics chosen?
Is the content provided in Skill Builders research-based?
How do I save and download reflections from a Skill Builder?
How do I share reflection questions via email?
Sharing reflection questions via email
What is the logic behind the content delivery format used in Skill Builders?
What is meant by the Skill Builders being competency-based?